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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Easy Way for Tilapia Cattle

Easy Way for Tilapia Cattle

Tilapia is a type of fish that has good breeding properties. So, it can be said that this tilapia cultivation is very beneficial, because it can breed easily. So the possibility, this tilapia is very much and easy in the breed.

Not only does it multiply easily, that tilapia is very easy to adapt. So, in any environment, this tilapia can still survive. We can also find this tilapia in the wild in freshwater areas such as rivers, lakes, swamps and reservoirs. So, you can look for this tilapia in fresh water.

However, even though this tilapia can adapt easily and can survive in any freshwater, it would be nice for this tilapia to be in waters that have a temperature of around 25-30 ° C. also also as a reference for tilapia cultivation. You can use water with acidity around 7 to 8 pH. The temperature and acidity are the reference waters for tilapia cultivation.

If you ask for tilapia feed, it's actually easy to feed tilapia. Because this tilapia is classified as all-eating fish or commonly referred to as omnivorous fish. So, you are easy enough to feed this tilapia. However, generally these tilapia fish are plankton and some water plants. So, you can provide a number of plankton and water plants as the main feed for tilapia to fulfill nutrition and nutrition in tilapia.

Not only some water plants, even small animals in water can also be used as food for tilapia. However, good tilapia fish feed is 25% of protein. Protein is very necessary for the health and growth of tilapia. That is why, tilapia feed on the market and some farm shops are relatively cheap.

1. Choosing Tilapia Seeds

The first way to cultivate tilapia is to choose quality seeds. The selection of tilapia fish seeds can be said to be a reference factor or the most important factor of several other factors. Because this factor is a starting point that can determine the success of this tilapia cultivation. However, that does not mean that some other factors are not important, they are also important because they are mutually sustainable and connected.

In the selection of tilapia seeds, you should choose male tilapia seeds. This will produce maximum results compared to you choose female tilapia fish seeds. How come? This is due to the fact that this male-sex value fish is 40% faster than female hermaphile tilapia in terms of its growth.

So, it's not wrong, if you often see large or mature tilapia fish in some of these fish stores, most of the tilapia are male. Because male tilapia grows faster than female tilapia.

Keep in mind, that in the cultivation of tilapia, it will be younger to cultivate tilapia which is done by monosex alias single. Because the method of cultivation of tilapia by monosex method will increase productivity when compared to the cultivation of mixed methods. This is due to the nature of the tilapia itself which is easy to spawn or easily do their own marriage. Unlike the cultivation of mixed methods.

Tilapia cultivation with this mixture can make fish energy run out quickly because more often requires extra energy in their spawning. With the energy drained quickly, this can inhibit the growth of the tilapia because the energy has been depleted during their spawning.

That is why, many fish farmers start using the monosex method. So that most fish farmers now, prefer monosex fish seeds compared to mixed tilapia fish seeds.

2. Preparation of Cultivation Ponds

You don't need to worry about ponds or breeding for this tilapia cultivation. Because, this tilapia can be cultivated in various types of ponds. You can use cement ponds, soil pools, tarpaulin ponds, cement ponds, floating nets, or even you can also use brackish water ponds. Some of these ponds are very easy to make. That's why many people say that this tilapia cultivation is very easy to do.

However, from various types of ponds above, it is the soil pond that is often used in tilapia cultivation. Because, in addition to making it fairly easy, capital for its manufacture is relatively cheap. That is why many fish farmers use soil ponds in tilapia cultivation. Because this soil pool is cheaper and easier to make than using other types of ponds.

Although the pond is a type of pond for tilapia cultivation that is fairly easy and inexpensive in its manufacture, this soil pool also has more advantages compared to other types of tilapia ponds. This soil pond is the place where some small plants and aquatic animals grow which can later be used as your natural tilapia food. So, you don't need to worry about feeding your tilapia. However, you still have to provide food that is rich in nutrients and nutrition for your tilapia, so that it can grow and breed well and naturally.

With the presence of some plants and freshwater animals that grow in soil pools, then you can reduce your capital in buying feed for your tilapia right? That is one of the advantages of soil pools when compared to other types of ponds. Instead you are expensive to buy tilapia feed in the form of pellets or other artificial feed ingredients.

in this tilapia cultivation you need preparation in this tilapia cultivation. One of them is tillage which will become a tilapia pond that you cultivate later. Some of these land management steps include starting from the drying, piracy, liming, fertilizing, and irrigation stages. The following are steps in the management of land for tilapia aquaculture ponds later.


The first thing you have to do is start by drying the bottom of the pond. You can dry the mini pool by drying it in the direct sun which can be done for 3 to 7 days.

However, this drying is usually in accordance with weather conditions when you dry the pond. If the weather often rains, then you need a long time to dry the soil pool. However, if in the dry season, you only need a shorter time than the rainy season. So, it would be better if you do the mini cola drying stage in the dry season, so that the results can be optimal and maximum.

However, as a reference, the soil is dry enough if the soil surface starts to look cracked. But remember, do not let the soil harden like a stone, so the soil pool cannot be used as a pond. In addition to these features, you can try the soil's excitement by stepping on the ground. When you step on the ground, the soil will leave footprints with a depth of about 1 to 2 cm.

Land Piracy

After the soil has dried, hoe or plow the soil with a depth of more than 10 cm. try, if you find trash, gravel, or dirt, throw away these objects. In addition, you also need to clean foul-smelling black mud.

Soil Acidity

Generally, soil has a low acidity level or below 6 pH. Then? Even though in tilapia aquaculture requires fresh water which requires acidity around 7 to 8 pH. Well, therefore, you need to neutralize the soil by liming the soil. You can use dolomite or agricultural lime to make the liming process on the land.

The dose of liming the soil must be balanced with the acidity of the soil, so as not to overdose on the soil. The dosage reference is, if the soil acidity level is 6 pH, then what is needed is 500 kg / ha, for a soil that is 5-6 pH, it takes 500 to 1500 kg / ha, while for soil that is 4-5 pH it takes 1 to 3 tons / Ha.

Stir in lime evenly and try to get lime into the soil surface to a depth of 10 cm. then, let the land sit for 2 to 3 days until the soil acidity level is exactly as expected.


After undergoing the process of soil acidity, it's time for you to fertilize the soil that will be used as a pond. To fertilize a pond, use organic fertilizer as a base or base. You can use this type of manure or compost. This is because organic fertilizer is very good for soil fertility. You can use 1 to 2 tons of fertilizer per hectare.

Spread the fertilizer evenly into the soil pool and let the fertilizer be absorbed in the soil by remaining for 1 to 2 weeks. After that, you can add urea fertilizer as much as 50 to 70 kg / ha and TSP 25 to 30 kg / ha. Simply leave the urea fertilizer for 1 to 2 days.

Please note that this fertilization is a procedure used to provide nutrients for microorganisms and animals in the pond. Thus, plants and animals can be used as natural food for your tilapia.


The next step is to inundate the pond with water. However, this irrigation is carried out not carelessly, which is done gradually. First, pour water into the soil pool, until the water reaches a height of 10 to 20 cm. let the water sit for 3 to 5 days so that the soil that is moaning and fused with water can settle to the bottom of the pond.

Do not forget you need sunlight for your pool so that aquatic organisms such as ganga for example can grow well. Then, you can continue filling the water into the pool until the water reaches a height of up to 75 cm.

3. Spreading Tilapia Seeds

If the pond has been filled with water to a depth of 60 to 75 cm, the pond is ready to be sown with tilapia seeds that have been prepared. Generally, per square meter of pond contains 15 to 20 tilapia with an assumption per tail weighing 10 to 20 grams and can be harvested with a size weighing 300 grams per head.

However, keep in mind, that before seeding, you need to adapt to the tilapia seeds first, even though tilapia is a type of fish that is easily adaptable. This is needed, so that tilapia seeds can be familiar with new ponds, so the risk of death in these tilapia seeds can be avoided and minimized.

You can adapt the seeds of tilapia by putting the seeds in a container with the contents of the water from the pond. Leave for a few hours. Then, tilt the container, until the fish comes out by itself and plunges into the pond that you have prepared for tilapia seeds.

4. Tilapia Cultivation Voting

After everything is ready, from making ponds to spreading seeds, it's time for you to take care and care for tilapia until harvest. There are three important things you need to know about tilapia fish maintenance, namely water management, feeding, and pest control.

Water Management

Pay attention to the pool water, if you want to have quality tilapia. You need to pay attention to the water quality of the oxygen content and pH of the water. You can also pay attention to levels of NH3, CO2, and H2s in pond water. If the oxygen level in the pond starts to decrease, your water should only reduce the circulation of water by increasing the water discharge. If the pool's water starts to smell bad, it is likely that the pool water starts to contain NH3 and H2S and immediately replace the water.

To replace water, remove 1/3 of the dirty water from the pool water, then replace it with new water into the pool. The pond water discharge of 100 square meters is normal at 1 liter / second.


In tilapia cultivation, tilapia feed management is very important. Please note that the cost of this feed is the biggest cost compared to other costs in tilapia cultivation.

You can use pellets with a protein content of 20 to 30 percent in your tilapia. Generally, this tilapia requires as much as 3% feed of body weight every day. You can feed this tilapia in the morning and evening. In addition, every two weeks measure the weight of tilapia by using a sample of one tilapia fish and you can adjust the amount of feed that must be given to your tilapia.

Here's the calculation:

If in one pool there are 1500 tilapia with a size of 10-20 gr / head, then the average fish >> (10 + 20) / 2 = 15 grams / head. So that the calculation of the feed is 15 x 1500 x 3% = 675 grams or 6.75 kg per day.

Pest and Disease Control

As explained in the previous discussion, this tilapia is included in hardy fish. Normally, actually tilapia is not too worrying. However, what's wrong with you doing intensive and eg checks in being aware of the risk of disease in your tilapia.

The disease that needs to be aware of in tilapia is an infectious disease due to infection as in the transmission through water for example.

5. Tilapia Harvest

Tilapia that is time for harvest is a variety of tilapia according to need. Tilapia for the domestic market ranges from 300 - 500 grams / head, while for tilapia that is kept around 10-20 grams / head. Well, tilapia that can reach 300-500 grams usually takes up to 4 to 6 months.

This is due to the availability of tilapia feed that is easily available anywhere. Thus, the cultivation of tilapia will not cost a fortune to cultivate it. Unlike the case with goldfish or catfish that really need high protein. For goldfish or catfish, this required protein is around 30 to 45%. So, the price of goldfish or catfish feed is much more expensive than tilapia feed.

There are several factors that must be considered in this tilapia cultivation. Some of these factors will determine whether you succeed or not in tilapia cultivation. Some of these factors include seed selection, pond preparation, feeding, and disease management. Handling of disease is a very important factor to be considered and known, so that the tilapia that you are cultivating actually becomes a quality tilapia fish freely and avoid any disease that can attack tilapia.

That is the steps of the tilapia aquaculture method that is easy to understand and you can apply it in your home or garden that you specifically make for tilapia cultivation.

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