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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

How Cattle Snail Farms

How Cattle Snail Farms

Once the snail rice field or what is better known as tutut people only used as a fasting food typical in some areas, now many are sold on the roadside to restaurants. Usually the tutut sold on the roadside is boiled tutut which is processed with various spices. Besides being processed into delicious food, tutut can also be used as feed for fish and poultry.

At first the rice field snail is a pest that is considered as a rice plant disturbance, but now because many people know that rice field snails are very beneficial if consumed. So many people started cultivating rice field snails. For example, fresh meat can be consumed as a food that is beneficial for appetite enhancers and reduces liver disease. Besides that, rice snails are used as animal feed, starting from eel, catfish, chicken and duck. Processed snail meat in the form of flour can also be used as animal feed. The shell itself can be used as fertilizer and flour because it contains phosphorus and calcium. If you intend to make a business, here is the right way to cultivate the rice field snail.

1. Pool preparation

Before the rice field conch cultivation begins, prepare the pond that can be used in the form of a cement pond or soil pond. Use a pool measuring 8 × 10 m. We recommend that the bottom of the pond be made sloping, so that snails can later propagate to the surface of the pond when there is a change in water temperature. Use river water, well water or water from mountain springs to cultivate snails. because, snails cannot stand with wastewater. Make the outlet and entry of water so that later there will be a flow of water in the pond. During the preparation of the pond, there is no need to add fertilizer as well as fish ponds. But water can be directly flowed into existing ponds. Place some branching branches or bamboo which can later be used as a place to climb and stick. Usually at night snails will rise to the surface of the water, while at 8 or 9 in the morning, snails reenter the pool water. Run water with a depth of 50-100 cm.

2. Sprinkle snails

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Catch snails from swamps or rice fields using iron nets. Put in sacks and flush the sack to keep it moist. Tutut is ready to be transferred to the pool. When netted, the snail naturally has been sorted, so that the tutut size that is netted together can be one group. After the water is flowed, it can be directly placed in the pool. Snails can live in cold or warm water. From one pool with a size of 8 × 10 m, it can be filled with tutoring as much as 400-500 kg.

3. Maintenance

The feed given can be in the form of wide green leaves, for example papaya leaves, taro leaves, sente, cassava leaves and so on. Feed in the morning and evening. For one pool measuring 8 × 10 m, you can feed ½ sacks of leaves or weighing 5 kg. Within 30 minutes, the feed will be eaten by the shelled soft animals.

Tutut who is ready to lay eggs usually has reached a body diameter of 5 cm. From one brood, it will produce as many as 30 heads. Conch spawn doesn't know the season. Granule-shaped eggs in pink will hatch within a month.

There is no specific disease that attacks snails. The most important thing is that the snail is not affected by disease as well as maintaining the water condition. In order to avoid death, snail conditions also need to be checked. For example by stirring water, then see if there is a snail poking up and floating. The protruding conch is a dead snail. Immediately move the conch so that it doesn't spread to other snails.

4. Harvest

Two weeks of snails can be harvested. Both small and large can be harvested because it is on demand. Large ones are usually consumed by humans, while small ones can be used as animal feed. Generally, from one pond measuring 8 × 10 meters can be harvested snails either golden snails or tutut with a weight gain of about 10% after being kept for 2 weeks. Use a scoop when harvesting and immediately enter the conch into an empty plastic sack. In one sack generally contains about 50 kg of snails. When transported, do not forget to flush the plastic sack with water, so the water can enter the sack slowly and aim to keep the humidity in the sack.

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