Kunci Sukses Ternak Untuk Kita Semua Yang Ingin Bisnis Ternak

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Keuntungan Berbisnis Ternak Sarang Burung Walet

Keuntungan Berbisnis Ternak Sarang Burung Walet 

Sekarang, banyak orang mengeluhkan susahnya mendapat pekerjaan ditambah lagi dengan tingginya harga makanan maka masyarakat sangat keresahan. Namun ditengah himpitan ekonomi menjadikan setiap orang selalu berusaha mencari berbagai peluang usaha agar kehidupannya lebih baik. Namun hal tersebut tidaklah semudah membalikkan telapak tangan karena banyaknya faktor yang perlu di pertimbangkan. Misalnya adalah modal usaha, sarana dan prasarana, skill yang dimiliki dan sebagainya.  

Tentu anda mengenal bisnis sarang walet. Usaha ini sudah popular sejak lama dan sudah banyak orang di Indonesia yang kaya raya berkat usaha ini dikarenakan mendatangkan keuntungan yang lumayan besar dengan harga jual sarang burung walet yang sangat tinggi. Hal ini tak terlepas karena sarang burung walet memiliki beberapa khasiat antara lain menyembuhkan penyakit paru-paru, penambah tenaga, melancarkan peredaran darah, menghilangkan panas dalam, dan lain sebagainya. 

Usaha sarang walet sangat cocok dijalankan di pedesaan yang jauh dari kebisingan. Karena di tempat inilah banyak berkeliaran burung walet dan menetap membuat sarang-sarang mereka. Seperti halnya di desa penulis, ada beberapa usaha rumahan sarang burung walet dengan pendapatan hingga ratusan juta per satu kali panen.

Indonesia dan negara-negara lainnya di Asia Tenggara secara rutin mengekspor sarang burung walet, dan kebutuhan akan sarang burung walet tetap belum terpenuhi dipasaran dunia bisnis sarang walet merupakan salah sah satu bisnis rumahan yang menjanjikan. Ini karena sarang burung walet memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi. Kebutuhan sarang burung walet di pasar internasional masih kekurangan sedangkan permintaan pasar terus meningkat.

Sarang burung walet memiliki harga yang cukup tinggi karena memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan seperti melancarkan peredaran darah, menyembuhkan penyakit paru-paru, panas dalam, serta dapat untuk menambah stamina. Sarang burung walet terbuat dari liur burung walet itu sendiri.

Untuk menjalankan bisnis walet Anda harus mempersiapakan beberapa hal agar dapat mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Langkah-langkah yang perlu Anda perhatikan adalah sebagai berikut.

Lokasi Usaha

Setiap usaha yang dijalankan, hal utama yang harus sudah disiapkan adalah lahan.Lokasi kandang dan lingkungan sangat mempengaruhi hasil dari budidaya ini. Untuk itu Anda disarankan memiliki lokasi yang tepat. Lokasi di wilayah dataran rendah dengan ketiggian maksimum 1.000 mdpl sangat disaranakan. Selain itu, Anda juga harus memilih lokasi yang jauh dari keramaian dan jauh dari gangguan hewan lain yang biasa memakan daging. Anda dapat memiliki lokasi seperti hutan terbuka, persawahan, pantai, danau, dan rawa-rawa.


Setelah lahan sudah fix, maka selanjutnya penyediaan fasilitas. Sarana dan Peralatan yang dibutuhkan dalam bisnis sarang burung walet berupa pengecekan susu, kelembaban, dan penerangan serta bentuk dan konstruksi gedung. Dalam menjalankan bisnis ini diperlukan gedung yang dibuat mirip seperti gua alami dengan suhu 24-26 derajat celcius dan kelembaban sekitar 80-95%. Untuk mendapatkan suhu terbaik Anda harus melapisi plafon menggunakan sekam dengan tebal 20 cm.

Kemudian buat saluran air atau kolam di dalam gedung. Pada lubang keluar masuk Anda beri penangkal sinar yang berbentuk corong goni atau kain berwarna hitam lainnya. Ini bertujuan agar keadaan gedung tetap terlihat gelap.

Dalam budidaya sarang walet, pada umumnya gedung yang dibuat berukuran 10×15 meter persegi. Perlu Anda ketahui jika semakin tinggi gedung maka semakin baik karena lebih disukai burung walet. Temboknya terbuat dari plester campuran semen, sedangkan tempat untuk melekatnya sarang walet terbuat dari kerangka kayu yang kuat dan tahan lama.


Selanjutnya dalam cara bisnis walet adalah proses pembibitan. Untuk pemilihan bibit, Anda dapat memilih burung writi sebagai indukan dan usahakan agar burung tersebut dapat bersarang di gedung baru. Caranya adalah lakukan pemancingan dengan memutar rekaman suara walet atau sriti. Waktu yang tepat adalah sekitar jm 4 hingga jam 6 sore. Penetasan telur burung walet berperan penting untuk memperbanyak populasi burung walet. Telur dapat diperoleh ketika melakukan panen buang telur.

Panen dapat dilakukan setelah burung walet membuat sarang serta bertelur. Panen buang telur adalah pengambilan sarang walet kemudian bagian telurnya dibuang atau disisihkan.

Ketika musim bertelur biasanya sriti akan tiba kemudian Anda gantikan telur sriti dengan telur burung walet. Lakukan dengan menggunakan sendok plastik atau kertas tisu. Jika terdapat kerusakan maka burung sriti tidak mau mengeraminya. Anda dapat melakukan penggantian telur ketika siang hari saat burung sriti keluar mencari makan.


Pemeliharaan ketika budidaya sarang walet dapat mulai dari perawatan ternak, sumber pakan, dan pemeliharaan gedung atau kandang. Untuk perawatan ternak biasanya setelah penetasan anak burung tidak dapat makan sendiri sehingga Anda dapat menyuapi menggunakan kroto tiga hari sekali. Setelah berumur 10 hari Anda dapat memindahkan anak burung tersebut ke dalam kotak khusus yang memiliki alat pemanas di setiap sudut. Setelah berumur 43 anak burung mulai bisa terbang.

Untuk sumber pakan umumnya burung walet mencari makan sendiri. Makanan dari burung walet adalah serangga kecil. Namun sebagai makanan tambahan Anda dapat menanam tanama dengan tumpang sari. Kemudain Anda juga harus memperhatikan kebersihan gedung dari kotoran burung. Anda dapat membersihkannya dengan memasukkan ke dalam karung.

Suhu dan Kelembaban

Cara bisnis walet berikutnya adalah perhatikan kelembaban dan suhu dari rumah walet. Suasana alam pada bangunan rumah walet sangat berperan. Sangat penting untuk membuat walet menyukainya seperti di buat gelap. Kelembaban ruang bangunan disarankan sekitar 80 - 95 % dan suhu antara 24-26 derajat celcius. Gunakan atap yang terbuat dari genteng pres dari tanah liat agar suhu pada ruangan rumah walet stabil.

Hama dan Penyakit

Cara bisnis walet adalah memperhatikan penyakit burung walet. Hama memiliki dampak tidak baik untuk kesehatan dan sarang burung walet. Untuk itu Anda harus menjaga gedung dari serangan hama atau penyakit. Hama dapat berasal dari semut, tikus, kecoa, cicak dan tokek.

Masa Panen

Cara bisnis walet siap untuk masa panen. Setiap pelaku usaha khususnya yang mengelolah usaha burung, yang sangat mereka tunggu-tunggu adalah masa panen. Ketika panen dilakukan maka harus menggunakan teknik tertentu agar hasil budidaya sarang walet lebih maksimal dan memenuhi mutu. Panen dapat dilakukan dengan tiga cara yakni panen rampasan,panen buang telur, dan panen penetasan. Panen rampasan dilakukan setelah sarang siap dipakai untuk bertelur, dan keuntungannya adalah jarak waktu panen yang lebih cepat, kualitas lebih baik, dan total produksi lebih banyak. Namun kelemahannya adalah tidak ada pelestarian burung walet untuk peremajaan.

Sedangkan panen buang telur dilakukan setelah burung membuat sarang dan bertelur sebanyak dua butir. Caranya telur diambil dan disisihkan kemudian sarangnya diambil. Keuntungan teknik panen ini adalah dapat dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali dalam setahun.

Kelemahannya adalah tidak ada kesempatan walet untuk menetaskan telurnya. Pada teknik panen penetasan, sarang dapat dipanen saat usia walet sudah bisa terbang. Keuntungan panen penetasan adalah burung walet dapat berkembang biak dengan baik dan aman, sedangkan kelemahannya adalah muru sarang rendah dan tercemar kotoran.

Untuk penjualan, sebaiknya memang sudah direncanakan dari awal penjualan kemana dan berapa keuntungan yang akan didapatkan sebelum memulai bisnis walet, sehingga tiba saat masa panen Anda tidak lagi dipusingkan dengan cara menjual atau kemana menjual hasil bisnis walet Anda. 

Bisnis Usaha Ternak Tokek Yang Sangat Menguntungkan

Bisnis Usaha Ternak Tokek Yang Sangat Menguntungkan 

Tokek merupakan salah satu hewan yang mempunyai suara yang sangat unik dan hidup liar di alam bebas. Namun, karena manfaat dan khasiatnya yang luar biasa untuk digunakan sebagai pengobatan, banyak orang yang tertarik untuk menjalankan berbisnis beternak tokek. Bahkan, permintaan tokek semakin hari semakin tinggi. Oleh karena itu, harga jual tokek sangat tinggi.

Bisnis tokek memang sangat menggiurkan karena harga seekor tokek bisa melambung tinggi jika berat dan besarnya sudah mencapai angka tertentu. Dulunya memang orang menjual tokek dengan harga tinggi hanya karena kebetulan, namun kini karena sangat menguntungkan, banyak orang berminat memulai ternak tokek. Karena itulah banyak sekali yang tertarik. Jika Anda tertarik dengan ternak tokek, tentu ada banyak hal yang harus Anda pelajari. Tentu hal ini bisa menjadi sebuah hal yang sangat menarik karena ternak tokek bisa sangat menguntungkan jika ditekuni dengan baik dan juga menggunakan cara-cara yang benar supaya hasilnya pun optimal. Berikut adalah hal-hal penting yang harus Anda ketahui tentang cara ternak tokek jika ingin memulai ternak tokek.

1. Kandang

Jika ingin memelihara tokek dengan tujuan untuk dibesarkan dan dijual, kandang adalah masalah penting yang harus diperhatikan. Setelah mendapatkan bibit  yang sesuai, maka kandang harus sudah disiapkan. Aquarium biasanya menjadi pilihan banyak peternak dengan ukuran 20-30 galon. Untuk mencegah tokek kabur bisa digunakan jala dengan mesh kecil-kecil untuk ditutupkan pada bagian atas aquarium. Kandang bisa juga dibuat dari papan lunak seperti triplek.

Untuk pengelompokannya sendiri bisa dipisah antara satu tokek dengan yang lain apalagi jika ukurannya berbeda jauh. Hal ini bertujuan untuk menyamaratakan berat tokek tersebut supaya tidak terjadi perbedaan yang terlalu mencolok. Untuk tokek betina memang bisa dikandangkan bersama, namun untuk tokek jantan dewasa sebaiknya dikandangkan sendiri karena memungkinkan terjadinya persaingan dan memicu kemungkinan saling bunuh dan rencana pembibitan anda tidak akan berhasil nantinya.

Tokek jantan dewasa sudah bisa dimasukkan kedalam kandang bersama dengan beberapa tokek betina dengan ukuran sama. Tokek betina dengan ukuran kecil sebaiknya tidak bereproduksi dulu karena akan memberikan dampak buruk pada kesehatan tokek betina tersebut.  Perhatikan juga suasana kandang dan buatlah sealami mungkin agar tokek bisa merasa seperti di habitat asalnya. Ranting dan pasir bisa sangat membantu untuk menciptakan kandang yang nyaman untuk tokek.

2. Perhatikan Suhu Kandang

Suhu pada kandang haruslah dipantau dengan baik yakni tidak lebih dari 90 derajat Fahrenheit. Jangan sekali-kali memasang lampu pijar didalam kandang karena itu akan membuat tokek stress lalu tidak mau makan dan kemudian mati. Kondisi gelap adalah yang terbaik dan jika anda ingin memberikan lampu, maka lampu berwarna merah adalah yang paling tepat karena tokek tidak bisa melihat warna merah. 

Ini merupakan salah satu hal penting dalam cara beternak tokek. Mempelajari teknik budidaya tokek itu sangat penting sekali karena akan menentukan hasil dari ternak anda.

3. Pemeliharaan Tokek

Salah satu hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan adalah dalam memelihara tokek tersebut. Dalam pemeliharaan, pakan adalah yang utama. Makanan yang paling disarankan adalah ulat, cacing, jangkrik, dan juga anak tikus yang usianya baru beberapa hari. Masalah minuman, air itu penting meskipun tokek pada dasarnya tidak membutuhkan air dalam jumlah banyak. Dalam seminggu, anda bisa memberikan 2 sampai tiga kali pemberian air. 

Jika perlu tambahkan vitamin untuk hasil yang lebih baik dalam pembesaran tokek.Tokek seperti layaknya ular yang juga berganti kulit. Pada saat pergantian kulit, ada baiknya mengecek kelembaban kandang dan bisa menggunakan media kotak stereoform. Pergantian kulit haruslah sempurna meskipun itutokek rumah. Pastikan perkembangan tokek anda diperhatikan benar supaya tokek anda tumbuh sempurna.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

How Cattle Snail Farms

How Cattle Snail Farms

Once the snail rice field or what is better known as tutut people only used as a fasting food typical in some areas, now many are sold on the roadside to restaurants. Usually the tutut sold on the roadside is boiled tutut which is processed with various spices. Besides being processed into delicious food, tutut can also be used as feed for fish and poultry.

At first the rice field snail is a pest that is considered as a rice plant disturbance, but now because many people know that rice field snails are very beneficial if consumed. So many people started cultivating rice field snails. For example, fresh meat can be consumed as a food that is beneficial for appetite enhancers and reduces liver disease. Besides that, rice snails are used as animal feed, starting from eel, catfish, chicken and duck. Processed snail meat in the form of flour can also be used as animal feed. The shell itself can be used as fertilizer and flour because it contains phosphorus and calcium. If you intend to make a business, here is the right way to cultivate the rice field snail.

1. Pool preparation

Before the rice field conch cultivation begins, prepare the pond that can be used in the form of a cement pond or soil pond. Use a pool measuring 8 × 10 m. We recommend that the bottom of the pond be made sloping, so that snails can later propagate to the surface of the pond when there is a change in water temperature. Use river water, well water or water from mountain springs to cultivate snails. because, snails cannot stand with wastewater. Make the outlet and entry of water so that later there will be a flow of water in the pond. During the preparation of the pond, there is no need to add fertilizer as well as fish ponds. But water can be directly flowed into existing ponds. Place some branching branches or bamboo which can later be used as a place to climb and stick. Usually at night snails will rise to the surface of the water, while at 8 or 9 in the morning, snails reenter the pool water. Run water with a depth of 50-100 cm.

2. Sprinkle snails

Also Read: Besides Farming, Now There Are Also Fisheries Trends in the City
Catch snails from swamps or rice fields using iron nets. Put in sacks and flush the sack to keep it moist. Tutut is ready to be transferred to the pool. When netted, the snail naturally has been sorted, so that the tutut size that is netted together can be one group. After the water is flowed, it can be directly placed in the pool. Snails can live in cold or warm water. From one pool with a size of 8 × 10 m, it can be filled with tutoring as much as 400-500 kg.

3. Maintenance

The feed given can be in the form of wide green leaves, for example papaya leaves, taro leaves, sente, cassava leaves and so on. Feed in the morning and evening. For one pool measuring 8 × 10 m, you can feed ½ sacks of leaves or weighing 5 kg. Within 30 minutes, the feed will be eaten by the shelled soft animals.

Tutut who is ready to lay eggs usually has reached a body diameter of 5 cm. From one brood, it will produce as many as 30 heads. Conch spawn doesn't know the season. Granule-shaped eggs in pink will hatch within a month.

There is no specific disease that attacks snails. The most important thing is that the snail is not affected by disease as well as maintaining the water condition. In order to avoid death, snail conditions also need to be checked. For example by stirring water, then see if there is a snail poking up and floating. The protruding conch is a dead snail. Immediately move the conch so that it doesn't spread to other snails.

4. Harvest

Two weeks of snails can be harvested. Both small and large can be harvested because it is on demand. Large ones are usually consumed by humans, while small ones can be used as animal feed. Generally, from one pond measuring 8 × 10 meters can be harvested snails either golden snails or tutut with a weight gain of about 10% after being kept for 2 weeks. Use a scoop when harvesting and immediately enter the conch into an empty plastic sack. In one sack generally contains about 50 kg of snails. When transported, do not forget to flush the plastic sack with water, so the water can enter the sack slowly and aim to keep the humidity in the sack.

How to Cultivate Crab

How to Cultivate Crab

The growing market share of mangrove crabs (Scylla serrata) both at home and abroad is a challenge to continuously increase production. By relying solely on production from nature / catches, it is clear that the continuity of production can be expected. For this reason, there is a need to cultivate crustaceans that have high economic value.

The business of mangrove crab cultivation must be supported by the availability of land that is free of pollution, seeds and management capabilities both technically and management. Maintenance land can use traditional ponds as used to maintain shrimp or milkfish.

Mangrove Crab Type

Types of mangrove crabs that have high economic value include:

  • Scylla serrata, this type has a grayish color to reddish green color.
  • Scylla oceanica, green in color and there are brown lines on almost all parts of the body except the abdomen.
  • Scylla transquebarica, greenish to black with a slight brown line on the swimming leg.

Of the three types of crabs mentioned above, Scylla serrata at the same age are generally smaller than the other two types. But in terms of price and asking the buyer, the first type is superior.

Mangrove Crab behavior and habits

In general, the behavior and habits of mangrove crabs that can be observed are as follows:

1. Like to soak in the mud and make a hole in the wall or a maintenance pond. By knowing this habit, then we can plan or design a place of maintenance in such a way that the possibility of escaping crabs is kept as small as possible.

2. Cannibalism and attack each other, this trait is most striking in the crabs so that it can harm the handling of life and cultivation. Because of its mutually attacking nature, it will lead to low life graduation and reduce farm productivity. This cannibalism characteristic is the most dominant in male crabs, therefore monosex cultivation in crab production will provide better survival.

3. Molting or changing the skin. Like crustacean animals, crabs also have properties like other crustaceans, namely molting or changing the skin. Every time the skin changes, the crab will experience large carapace growth and weight. Generally skin changes will occur around 18 times starting from instar to adult stadia. During the process of changing the skin, crabs need energy and movement that is strong enough, so for adult crabs who experience skin changes need a large enough area.

The growth of crabs will look more rapidly when young, this is related to the frequency of skin changes during the initial stage. The period and type of frequency of skin change is important in conducting a cultivation business pattern that is related to the design and construction of the container, the type of cultivation and its management.

4. Sensitivity to Pollutants
Water quality is very influential on crab survival. Decreased water quality can occur due to excess decaying leftover food. If the crab condition is weak, for example, it does not react quickly if it is held or the stomach is empty if it is split, this is likely due to the decline in flow. To avoid the worse effects, immediately move the crabs to other maintenance sites where the water conditions are still fresh.

Location of Cultivation

Crab maintenance ponds are cultivated to have a depth of 0.8-1.0 meters with water salinity between 15-30 ppt. Muddy pond ponds with sandy clay or silty loam texture and tidal differences between 1.5 -2 meters. In addition to the requirements as mentioned above, in principle milkfish and traditional shrimp maintenance ponds can be used as crabs for maintenance.

Factors that need to be considered in the selection of crab maintenance sites include:

  • The water used is free from pollution and the amount is sufficient.
  • There is sufficient feed and continuity guaranteed.
  • There are facilities and production infrastructure and marketing.
  • Skilled workers and masters of crab cultivation techniques.

Pond Design and Construction

If the treatment of crabs during the maintenance period is not good, such as: water quality is not considered enough, food is not sufficient then when the crab reaches mature biological conditions the egg will try to escape, by climbing the wall / fence or by making a hole in the embankment. To avoid this, the dike and sluice construction need to be considered as carefully as possible. The bamboo cane fence can be installed on a dike or from waring, this will reduce the possibility of crab escaping.

Installation of bamboo kere fences or sturdy bunding wares (2-4 meters wide) is carried out on the edge of a section with a height of about 60 cm. In ponds that are not solid, the fence is installed on the base of the embankment with a minimum height of 1 meter.


At the location of catching crabs from nature, during the season the seeds are traditionally cultivated by farmers only relying on crab seed crabs that enter naturally at high tide. After a few months, selective harvesting begins by picking up crabs that are ready to sell. Can also crabs that have reached that size are released back into the enlargement plot to get a larger size or overweight.

In polyculture with milkfish, the size of crab seeds weighing 20-50 grams can be stocked with a density of 1000-2000 head / ha, and the milkfish weighing 2-5 grams are stocked with a density of 2000-3000 head / ha. In the cultivation of monoculture system, the size of the crab above is stocked with a density of 5000-15000 / Ha.

Egg Laying Crab Cultivation

The crabs that have just been harvested from the pond, can be further cultivated to improve the quality of female crabs not laying eggs or laying eggs not yet fully into full laying eggs with more intensive cultivation methods. With conditions laid out it will increase its added value. Because the price of female crabs lay eggs can reach 2-3 times the price of crabs does not lay eggs, so this will greatly help increase the income of fishermen farmers.

The methods used for the purpose of laying crab production are of two types, namely: with a confinement system and floating cage system.

1. Confinement System

Confinement can be made from bamboo material made into a series. Thick bamboo bar 1-2 cm with 1.7 meters long. Bamboo blades are arranged regularly so that they form kere or a kind of fence. The kere is then installed on the pond channel extending to the edges, if it is installed in the pond, so that it is placed in a relatively deeper part and gets enough water replacement.

Kere or bamboo fence is plastered as deep as 30 cm with the bottom made more tightly aiming so that the crabs do not pass. For placement of confinement in the pond channel, the size is adjusted to the width of the channel and so as not to disturb the flow of the pond channel. For a larger scale, you can use a pond map with an area between 0.25-0.50 hectares with a fence around the bamboo kere or from waring. the bamboo fence is plunged as deep as 30 cm and the smooth part is facing inward with the intention that the crabs cannot climb because this part is slippery.

2. Floating cages

In addition to using confinement, the cultivation of egg crabs can also use floating cages. Floating cages are made from a series of bamboo blades such as making kere, then the kere has been assembled into a box, the size of which is adjusted to the location where the floating cages will be placed. Furthermore, on opposite sides, buoys are installed which are made of pieces of bamboo that are still intact or from other materials. The placement of this floating cage in the water turns occurs fairly / well, such as on the channel, river bank and other places that meet the requirements as mentioned above. In this cultivation effort with floating cages the density can reach 20 tails / m2, with this density will increase the survival of the crabs that are maintained. The size of ready to harvest crabs lay around 200 gr / head.

The longest crab production process takes around 5-14 days or depends on the initial size of the stocking. In short, this maintenance period is also possible because female crabs that are stocked with a weight of about 150 grams usually contain eggs.

Fattening Business

Cultivation business besides being used as egg crabs is fattening. the fattening business process is the same as the cultivation of egg laying crabs. You can use bamboo cages or floating bamboo cages. The obvious difference lies in the crabs that are kept. The crabs that were kept in this fattening business were export-sized crabs from male and female genders who were still porous. The period of fattening is around 5-10 days, the crabs will become fat and contain good maintenance. If the maintenance is continued for the female sex, it will even become an egg crab. To avoid mortality due to fights between males and females, maintenance should be carried out monosexically.


Various types of feed such as: trash fish, chicken intestine, cow skin, goat skin, snails, rice field snails, etc. from the type of feed, fresh trash fish is better in terms of physical and chemical and the opportunity to be eaten faster because it is so stocked will not be eaten immediately by crabs.
Feeding for enlargement efforts is only a supplement with a dose of about 5%. As with the crab laying and fattening business, feeding should be considered with a dose of between 5-15% of the crabs that are maintained. The willingness to eat young crabs is usually greater, because in this period it takes a sufficient amount of food for the growth and process of changing the skin. Willingness will decrease when the crabs are laying eggs, and the peak after the eggs come out seems crabs fasting.

Post Harvest of Mangrove Crab

One of the things that is beneficial in handling crabs after being harvested is their ability to survive long enough in conditions without water. However, poor handling will reduce the health condition and can cause death.

If the crab after being harvested is directly put into the basket by tying the claws, the leg of the road and the swimming leg which is a fairly strong motion device, then the crab will stick together with each other. Such conditions will cause physical damage to the body of the crab and affect physiological conditions which can eventually lead to death. To overcome this situation, newly caught crabs must be fastened before being put in a basket.

How to tie the newly captured crabs can be done as below:

  • Binding of the two claws and all of his legs
  • Only tie the claws with one rope
  • Binding each claw with a separate rope

straps can use rope or other types of rope that are strong enough. After the crab is tied, the binding of the claws and the binding of the legs will facilitate handling and transport
Crab handling that has been arranged in a basket that needs attention is to maintain temperature and humidity. Try to keep the temperature no higher than 26 ° C and good humidity is 95%. The method that can be done to maintain the ideal temperature and humidity for the survival of crabs during transport is: smear the crabs into brackish water (15-25 ‰ salinity) for approximately 5 minutes while shaking so that dirt is released. After the crab is rearranged in the container. cover the container with a wet gunny sack.

How to raise parrots

How to raise parrots

This is how to raise parrots for beginners, starting with choosing healthy sires. As long as it's painstaking, surely your parrot livestock will produce clots.

As a special bird because it is capable of imitating human voices, parrots have a fairly expensive selling price. Its ever-decreasing population also makes this beautiful black bird more difficult to find. Then, why not just try to block it?

Parrots raising is not easy. But if done carefully, it can be a business with bright prospects. Here are some ways you can apply so that the parrots you care for can reproduce properly.

1. Choosing a Healthy Mother

To get quality saplings, the first thing you need to consider is the selection of healthy sires. Healthy parrots are characterized by their activity in ringing and jumping up and down. In addition, there are also other features, such as the condition of the hair that is not dull, clear eyes, and eating that is gusty.

If this is the experience of maintaining parrots for the first time, it's a good idea to choose small parrots or chicks. Your togetherness in giving food and practicing speaking every day, can make these parrots more docile and faster at mastering words. In addition, you can at the same time ensure that the parrots are free of disease because you have been taking good care of since childhood.

2. Giving Nutritious Food

Giving nutritious food for parrots can be useful to maintain its health and stamina so that it is always excellent. Some foods that you can provide include: voer, fruits, vegetables, insects, and kroto. In order for parrots not to get bored, you should provide food with a varied menu.

Parrots also need fresh water to avoid dehydration. For that, replace the drinking water supply twice a day. Also make sure the water container and food used are always clean, so that bacteria are not contaminated which can endanger parrots' health.

3. Maintain the cleanliness of parrots

To avoid coming bacteria from outside, parrots should be bathed every day. Since parrots are intelligent and independent birds, you only need to prepare a bucket of clean water every morning or evening. After that, let the parrots bath themselves.

4. Providing Clean Enclosures

Cages for raising parrots must be made in a size that is large enough, which is about 2 m x 1 m x 2 m. At the corner of the cage, provide a nest box with a size of about 30 cm x 30 cm x 50 cm. The box is useful for laying and incubating parrot eggs. While for perch needs, you can use tree branches that are strong enough with a diameter that is adjusted to the size of the parrot leg.

You can clean the cage regularly with wet towels and cleaning fluid. For parrots to feel comfortable, as long as the cage is cleaned, you can remove it first. If it's dry, parrots can be put back into the cage.

5. Matching Parrots

Parrots can already be paired when entering the age of 11 months. To find out whether a male and female parrots are matched or not, you can place the two parrots in an adjacent cage. If both of them are often close together at night, it's a sign that the two parrots are suitable and ready to be placed in one cage.

Inside the cage, you also need to observe the movements of both of them. Parrots who are matched generally will follow other parrots.

6. Caring for parrots

After mating, parrots will usually produce 3-4 eggs. During incubation, try to keep the atmosphere around the cage calm. Parrot eggs will hatch in about 14 days.

Within a week, you can let the parrot child be cared for by the mother. After that, move it to another cage, then give nutritious food by breaking it. When the puppies are two months old, you can practice talking until the parrots grow up and are good at imitating human voices.

Very Easy Way of Green Shellfish Cultivation

Very Easy Way of Green Shellfish Cultivation

Green mussel cultivation is now a promising business opportunity and can be done in the coastal areas of the sea. The resulting profits are estimated to be far greater as well as the effort carried out is easier than catching fish into the sea. The business capital to start it is fairly economical and does not require too much equipment. This is the cause of the growing glance of green shellfish cultivation.

Green mussels are a favorite seafood menu for the community because of their high nutritional content and affordable prices, which are widely sold in various seafood shops or restaurants, so market demand is high. In this opportunity the author will describe 13 ways of cultivating green mussels certainly as a new insight that is useful for you and also as a guide if you want to try this business luck.

1. Characteristics of Green Shellfish

Before knowing how to cultivate green mussels, it must be known in advance what and how the characteristics of green mussels are marine animals that have two green shells found in the depths of the sea between 1 to 7 meters. The distribution is evenly distributed in almost all beaches in Indonesia so that it becomes a great opportunity to be cultivated. (Also read about how to deal with mushrooms in catfish).

2. Site Selection

For the cultivation of green mussels, the best location must be chosen and able to become a location for survival, the location is an area that is protected from strong currents and does not have a high salt content. Site selection is important because the environment is a basic factor for green mussels to be able to develop quickly and avoid stress. (Also read about corydoras fish cultivation).

3. Water Requirements

The required water conditions must also be considered, the best water conditions are muddy and sandy areas, in such locations will facilitate farmers because green mussels can independently find nutrients and nutrients needed during breeding so that the potential for growth is faster. (Also read about how to fish with biofloc systems).

4. Keep away from pollution

The method of cultivating green mussels which is also related to site selection is that they seek to free them from waste, pollution and pollution. That is free from toxic waste such as copper, zinc, mercury, lead, and so on. The location must also be far from the river that is related to the household to avoid detergent waste, bath soap, and the like.

5. Understand Risk Factors

Perform maintenance as best as possible and avoid risks from the beginning such as choosing a location, find a location that is truly free from hazardous waste materials or pollution and pollution because the location near the waste has the potential for the emergence of salmonella and echericia coli bacteria which can trigger danger for humans who consume it .

6. Proper Temperature and pH

Every animal certainly has an original habitat that influences its cultivation process, farmers must adjust the new location that is best in accordance with its natural habitat, for the best temperature and pH of 27 to 27 degrees Celsius and pH 6-8, try to be able to be in these conditions so that the growth of green shells will run optimally.

7. Collect Seeds

The most important way of cultivating green mussels is to collect seeds for cultivation, namely by inserting a collector rope made with simple materials such as coconut fibers. Look for spat green mussels in their natural habitat while still using natural methods that do not damage the environment or the original population.

8. How to Catch Seeds

The collector rope that you have prepared is put into the water which has a lot of green clam seeds, let stand for a while then the seeds will naturally move and stick, do not shake or put pressure because it can interfere with the natural population of green mussels and other fish around it.

9. How to breed

To be able to cultivate optimally, it must be known and understood in advance how green mussels develop so that the cultivator can develop it maximally. The way green mussels breed is that they are external fertilization that is removing sperm and egg cells in water until they are mixed, within 24 hours the eggs will hatch and become larvae which later grow into spat at the age of 15 to 20 days and grow into mature green mussels in age 5 to 6 months.

10. Cultivation Method

The method of cultivating green mussels is called the fixed raft method, that is by plugging bamboo into the prepared bottom of the water, the location of the raft must be prepared according to the high and low water when tidal so that the raft does not experience drought as it is known that green mussels are marine animals which certainly will not can live if the environment is dry.

11. Daily Day Care

Raft collector ropes that have been prepared and filled with spat developed and plugged into must be taken into account the distance, which is about one meter between ropes so as not to interfere with each other and make it easier when daily care, monitor the growth of green mussels in daily life, make sure their nutrients fulfilled either through natural nutrition in the location directly or additional feed provided. Care and observation is carried out for around 5 to 6 months.

12. Pest and Disease Control

Pests that usually attack green mussels are types of barnacles such as starfish and crabs. Keep green mussels from crabs because crabs can eat green mussels up to a dozen each day. For protection from diseases is carried out by protecting the location of cultivation from hazardous wastes such as water and household waste pollution.

13. Harvest Process

Within 5 to 6 months, the treated green mussel can reach a maximum size of 6 to 8 cm and has become a measure of demand for the market. Harvest when the green mussels are in the resting phase by scraping or shedding the shells from the rope, slowly doing so to minimize the wound so that the green mussels have a longer survival during the marketing process.

Easy Way for Tilapia Cattle

Easy Way for Tilapia Cattle

Tilapia is a type of fish that has good breeding properties. So, it can be said that this tilapia cultivation is very beneficial, because it can breed easily. So the possibility, this tilapia is very much and easy in the breed.

Not only does it multiply easily, that tilapia is very easy to adapt. So, in any environment, this tilapia can still survive. We can also find this tilapia in the wild in freshwater areas such as rivers, lakes, swamps and reservoirs. So, you can look for this tilapia in fresh water.

However, even though this tilapia can adapt easily and can survive in any freshwater, it would be nice for this tilapia to be in waters that have a temperature of around 25-30 ° C. also also as a reference for tilapia cultivation. You can use water with acidity around 7 to 8 pH. The temperature and acidity are the reference waters for tilapia cultivation.

If you ask for tilapia feed, it's actually easy to feed tilapia. Because this tilapia is classified as all-eating fish or commonly referred to as omnivorous fish. So, you are easy enough to feed this tilapia. However, generally these tilapia fish are plankton and some water plants. So, you can provide a number of plankton and water plants as the main feed for tilapia to fulfill nutrition and nutrition in tilapia.

Not only some water plants, even small animals in water can also be used as food for tilapia. However, good tilapia fish feed is 25% of protein. Protein is very necessary for the health and growth of tilapia. That is why, tilapia feed on the market and some farm shops are relatively cheap.

1. Choosing Tilapia Seeds

The first way to cultivate tilapia is to choose quality seeds. The selection of tilapia fish seeds can be said to be a reference factor or the most important factor of several other factors. Because this factor is a starting point that can determine the success of this tilapia cultivation. However, that does not mean that some other factors are not important, they are also important because they are mutually sustainable and connected.

In the selection of tilapia seeds, you should choose male tilapia seeds. This will produce maximum results compared to you choose female tilapia fish seeds. How come? This is due to the fact that this male-sex value fish is 40% faster than female hermaphile tilapia in terms of its growth.

So, it's not wrong, if you often see large or mature tilapia fish in some of these fish stores, most of the tilapia are male. Because male tilapia grows faster than female tilapia.

Keep in mind, that in the cultivation of tilapia, it will be younger to cultivate tilapia which is done by monosex alias single. Because the method of cultivation of tilapia by monosex method will increase productivity when compared to the cultivation of mixed methods. This is due to the nature of the tilapia itself which is easy to spawn or easily do their own marriage. Unlike the cultivation of mixed methods.

Tilapia cultivation with this mixture can make fish energy run out quickly because more often requires extra energy in their spawning. With the energy drained quickly, this can inhibit the growth of the tilapia because the energy has been depleted during their spawning.

That is why, many fish farmers start using the monosex method. So that most fish farmers now, prefer monosex fish seeds compared to mixed tilapia fish seeds.

2. Preparation of Cultivation Ponds

You don't need to worry about ponds or breeding for this tilapia cultivation. Because, this tilapia can be cultivated in various types of ponds. You can use cement ponds, soil pools, tarpaulin ponds, cement ponds, floating nets, or even you can also use brackish water ponds. Some of these ponds are very easy to make. That's why many people say that this tilapia cultivation is very easy to do.

However, from various types of ponds above, it is the soil pond that is often used in tilapia cultivation. Because, in addition to making it fairly easy, capital for its manufacture is relatively cheap. That is why many fish farmers use soil ponds in tilapia cultivation. Because this soil pool is cheaper and easier to make than using other types of ponds.

Although the pond is a type of pond for tilapia cultivation that is fairly easy and inexpensive in its manufacture, this soil pool also has more advantages compared to other types of tilapia ponds. This soil pond is the place where some small plants and aquatic animals grow which can later be used as your natural tilapia food. So, you don't need to worry about feeding your tilapia. However, you still have to provide food that is rich in nutrients and nutrition for your tilapia, so that it can grow and breed well and naturally.

With the presence of some plants and freshwater animals that grow in soil pools, then you can reduce your capital in buying feed for your tilapia right? That is one of the advantages of soil pools when compared to other types of ponds. Instead you are expensive to buy tilapia feed in the form of pellets or other artificial feed ingredients.

in this tilapia cultivation you need preparation in this tilapia cultivation. One of them is tillage which will become a tilapia pond that you cultivate later. Some of these land management steps include starting from the drying, piracy, liming, fertilizing, and irrigation stages. The following are steps in the management of land for tilapia aquaculture ponds later.


The first thing you have to do is start by drying the bottom of the pond. You can dry the mini pool by drying it in the direct sun which can be done for 3 to 7 days.

However, this drying is usually in accordance with weather conditions when you dry the pond. If the weather often rains, then you need a long time to dry the soil pool. However, if in the dry season, you only need a shorter time than the rainy season. So, it would be better if you do the mini cola drying stage in the dry season, so that the results can be optimal and maximum.

However, as a reference, the soil is dry enough if the soil surface starts to look cracked. But remember, do not let the soil harden like a stone, so the soil pool cannot be used as a pond. In addition to these features, you can try the soil's excitement by stepping on the ground. When you step on the ground, the soil will leave footprints with a depth of about 1 to 2 cm.

Land Piracy

After the soil has dried, hoe or plow the soil with a depth of more than 10 cm. try, if you find trash, gravel, or dirt, throw away these objects. In addition, you also need to clean foul-smelling black mud.

Soil Acidity

Generally, soil has a low acidity level or below 6 pH. Then? Even though in tilapia aquaculture requires fresh water which requires acidity around 7 to 8 pH. Well, therefore, you need to neutralize the soil by liming the soil. You can use dolomite or agricultural lime to make the liming process on the land.

The dose of liming the soil must be balanced with the acidity of the soil, so as not to overdose on the soil. The dosage reference is, if the soil acidity level is 6 pH, then what is needed is 500 kg / ha, for a soil that is 5-6 pH, it takes 500 to 1500 kg / ha, while for soil that is 4-5 pH it takes 1 to 3 tons / Ha.

Stir in lime evenly and try to get lime into the soil surface to a depth of 10 cm. then, let the land sit for 2 to 3 days until the soil acidity level is exactly as expected.


After undergoing the process of soil acidity, it's time for you to fertilize the soil that will be used as a pond. To fertilize a pond, use organic fertilizer as a base or base. You can use this type of manure or compost. This is because organic fertilizer is very good for soil fertility. You can use 1 to 2 tons of fertilizer per hectare.

Spread the fertilizer evenly into the soil pool and let the fertilizer be absorbed in the soil by remaining for 1 to 2 weeks. After that, you can add urea fertilizer as much as 50 to 70 kg / ha and TSP 25 to 30 kg / ha. Simply leave the urea fertilizer for 1 to 2 days.

Please note that this fertilization is a procedure used to provide nutrients for microorganisms and animals in the pond. Thus, plants and animals can be used as natural food for your tilapia.


The next step is to inundate the pond with water. However, this irrigation is carried out not carelessly, which is done gradually. First, pour water into the soil pool, until the water reaches a height of 10 to 20 cm. let the water sit for 3 to 5 days so that the soil that is moaning and fused with water can settle to the bottom of the pond.

Do not forget you need sunlight for your pool so that aquatic organisms such as ganga for example can grow well. Then, you can continue filling the water into the pool until the water reaches a height of up to 75 cm.

3. Spreading Tilapia Seeds

If the pond has been filled with water to a depth of 60 to 75 cm, the pond is ready to be sown with tilapia seeds that have been prepared. Generally, per square meter of pond contains 15 to 20 tilapia with an assumption per tail weighing 10 to 20 grams and can be harvested with a size weighing 300 grams per head.

However, keep in mind, that before seeding, you need to adapt to the tilapia seeds first, even though tilapia is a type of fish that is easily adaptable. This is needed, so that tilapia seeds can be familiar with new ponds, so the risk of death in these tilapia seeds can be avoided and minimized.

You can adapt the seeds of tilapia by putting the seeds in a container with the contents of the water from the pond. Leave for a few hours. Then, tilt the container, until the fish comes out by itself and plunges into the pond that you have prepared for tilapia seeds.

4. Tilapia Cultivation Voting

After everything is ready, from making ponds to spreading seeds, it's time for you to take care and care for tilapia until harvest. There are three important things you need to know about tilapia fish maintenance, namely water management, feeding, and pest control.

Water Management

Pay attention to the pool water, if you want to have quality tilapia. You need to pay attention to the water quality of the oxygen content and pH of the water. You can also pay attention to levels of NH3, CO2, and H2s in pond water. If the oxygen level in the pond starts to decrease, your water should only reduce the circulation of water by increasing the water discharge. If the pool's water starts to smell bad, it is likely that the pool water starts to contain NH3 and H2S and immediately replace the water.

To replace water, remove 1/3 of the dirty water from the pool water, then replace it with new water into the pool. The pond water discharge of 100 square meters is normal at 1 liter / second.


In tilapia cultivation, tilapia feed management is very important. Please note that the cost of this feed is the biggest cost compared to other costs in tilapia cultivation.

You can use pellets with a protein content of 20 to 30 percent in your tilapia. Generally, this tilapia requires as much as 3% feed of body weight every day. You can feed this tilapia in the morning and evening. In addition, every two weeks measure the weight of tilapia by using a sample of one tilapia fish and you can adjust the amount of feed that must be given to your tilapia.

Here's the calculation:

If in one pool there are 1500 tilapia with a size of 10-20 gr / head, then the average fish >> (10 + 20) / 2 = 15 grams / head. So that the calculation of the feed is 15 x 1500 x 3% = 675 grams or 6.75 kg per day.

Pest and Disease Control

As explained in the previous discussion, this tilapia is included in hardy fish. Normally, actually tilapia is not too worrying. However, what's wrong with you doing intensive and eg checks in being aware of the risk of disease in your tilapia.

The disease that needs to be aware of in tilapia is an infectious disease due to infection as in the transmission through water for example.

5. Tilapia Harvest

Tilapia that is time for harvest is a variety of tilapia according to need. Tilapia for the domestic market ranges from 300 - 500 grams / head, while for tilapia that is kept around 10-20 grams / head. Well, tilapia that can reach 300-500 grams usually takes up to 4 to 6 months.

This is due to the availability of tilapia feed that is easily available anywhere. Thus, the cultivation of tilapia will not cost a fortune to cultivate it. Unlike the case with goldfish or catfish that really need high protein. For goldfish or catfish, this required protein is around 30 to 45%. So, the price of goldfish or catfish feed is much more expensive than tilapia feed.

There are several factors that must be considered in this tilapia cultivation. Some of these factors will determine whether you succeed or not in tilapia cultivation. Some of these factors include seed selection, pond preparation, feeding, and disease management. Handling of disease is a very important factor to be considered and known, so that the tilapia that you are cultivating actually becomes a quality tilapia fish freely and avoid any disease that can attack tilapia.

That is the steps of the tilapia aquaculture method that is easy to understand and you can apply it in your home or garden that you specifically make for tilapia cultivation.